Creating Assets

Raptoreum asset creation happens at the protocol level, this allows for creation directly in Raptoreumcore with 0 coding and no smart contracts required.

Note: While root assets are uppercase only, in the wallet you can use lowercase when creating an asset. The wallet automatically converts them to uppercase for asset creation.
Note: Using the integrated IPFS file attach uploads the file to the Raptoreum IPFS cluster. This cluster is provided as a convenience. While we will always do our best to make sure the cluster and your files are available we do not guarantee it. ALWAYS make your own backup of files you have attached to assets.

Asset Types


These are unique assets which are not updateable, once created they cannot be changed in any way. They can consist of a root asset which you can think of as a master asset, and sub-assets.

Root Asset

  • Naming: Must be all uppercase. A-Z and 0-9 are valid.
  • Unique Root assets are not divisible.
  • Unique Root assets are not updateable.
  • Name must be unique, only one of a specific name can exist on the Raptoreum blockchain.

Sub Asset

  • Naming: Both uppercase and lowercase is ok. A-z, 0-9, and "space" are ok.
  • Can be unique, fungible (updateable), or fungible.
  • Visual: You can easily see if an asset is a sub-asset as they will look like ASSET|Mixed caSe.

Fungible Assets

Fungible assets do not have is unique flag set on them, they are also not divisible. Naming is unique like non-fungible Assets.

Root Asset

  • Naming: Must be all uppercase. A-Z and 0-9 are valid.
  • Root assets are divisible.
  • Root assets can be updateable.
  • Name must be unique, only one of a specific name can exist on the Raptoreum blockchain.

Sub Asset

  • Naming: Both uppercase and lowercase is ok. A-z, 0-9, and "space" are ok.
  • Can be updateable or not updateable.
  • Visual: You can easily see if an asset is a sub-asset as they will look like ASSET|Mixed caSe.

Updateable Options

When an asset is set as updateable some options can be adjusted after creation and minting:

  1. Change the asset ownership address (must be an address in your wallet).
  2. Change the file attached to the asset or add one.
  3. Make the asset non-updateable.
  4. Change the amount created when minted.
  5. Adjust amount of times asset can be minted.
  6. Change the address which holds the minted assets.

Creating an Asset

  • On the left hand menu click Create Asset.
  • Asset Type: Root.
  • Choose an asset name, remember it cannot be changed once created.
  • Owner Address: The RTM address that will own this asset, must be an address owned by your wallet.
  • IPFS/File Hash: If you would like to attach a file to the asset you can do that here. You can click on browse file and choose a file from your computer and it will automatically be uploaded to the Raptoreum IPFS cluster. Maximum file size is 50MB. Allowed file types are image, video, audio, txt, and pdf. Once the file is uploaded you will see the field populate itself with the files hash. Only PNG images will display in the wallet at this time, other image types are coming in the next update.
Note: The IPFS/File hash field will accept any hash up to 128 characters. You are free to provide your own file hash if you like.
  • Unique Asset: Also known as a Non Fungible Token (NFT). When this is selected asset becomes non updateable and non divisible (decimal point). You must select this option to create a Unique Asset.
  • Distribution type: This will be activated in a future update.
  • Quantity: The amount created with each minting.
  • Mint count: How many times the asset can be minted. For example if you put 1000 for Quantity and 5 for Mint count you would be able to create 1000 x 5 of the asset.
Note: If Mint count is 0 you will not be able to mint your asset, make sure Mint count is at least 1.
  • Issue frequency: Will be activated in a future update.
  • Target address: This is where a minted asset will be sent once minted. This address does not need to be owned by your wallet.

Click Create Asset when ready, this will register the asset on the Raptoreum blockchain and reserve the name.

Mint Your Asset

  • Navigate to Assets tab.
  • Select your asset and click Mint.
Note: If you see a warning about the asset metadata not being found it means the creation transaction has not yet been confirmed. This will change after a few minutes.

Your asset will be transferable once the Mint transaction has been confirmed.

Create and Mint a Sub-Asset

Creating and minting a sub-asset is the same as Creating an Asset above.