Raptoreumcore Introduction

The Raptoreumcore wallet is the only official wallet supported and maintained by the Raptoreum team. It is designed to provide users with the most secure, decentralized, and feature-rich experience possible. As the primary wallet, Raptoreumcore will always receive new features and updates first, ensuring you have access to the latest advancements in the Raptoreum ecosystem.

What is a Core Wallet?

Raptoreumcore is a core wallet. This means it keeps a complete copy of the Raptoreum blockchain on your device. Every transaction ever made on the Raptoreum network is stored locally, providing a high level of security and decentralization.

Benefits Raptoreumcore Wallet:

  • Decentralization: Your wallet communications are not forced through a third party controlled node. Instead your wallet communicates with the Raptoreum blockchain network.
  • Privacy / Security: Full control over addresses, keys, inputs, CoinJoin, and data offer a high level of security and privacy.

Unique Features of Raptoreum

Raptoreum offers several unique features that set it apart from other cryptocurrencies and blockchains. These features will always first be available in Raptoreumcore and maintained and updated as needed by the team.


Raptoreum supports futures, allowing users to schedule transactions to occur at a specific block height or timestamp. This feature adds flexibility and functionality to your transactions and assets.

Creating Assets (NFT/FT)

You can easily create custom assets and fungible tokens. This functionality opens up a world of possibilities for decentralized applications, tokenization, and more.

Integrated IPFS Support

Raptoreumcore allows you to add files directly to IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) from within the wallet. When you add a file, you receive a corresponding hash that you can attach to your assets. This integration makes it simple to link digital assets to verifiable, decentralized storage.

Full Wallet vs. Lite Wallet

While Raptoreumcore provides great security, privacy, and decentralization, it requires more disk space and resources than lite wallets. Lite wallets, such as Zelcore, Vidulum, Komodo Wallet, and Forsa Wallet, trade reduced resource and storage use for some loss of privacy and decentralization because they rely on third-party nodes to access blockchain data.

Key Differences:

  • Full Wallet (Raptoreumcore):
  • Pros: Full control, high security, maximum privacy, and decentralization.
  • Cons: Higher resource and storage requirements, no mobile version.

  • Lite Wallets:
  • Pros: Lower resource and storage requirements, faster setup, mobile usually an option.
  • Cons: Reliance on third-party nodes, reduced privacy, and decentralization.


Choosing the right wallet depends on your needs for security, privacy, and resource availability. The Raptoreumcore wallet is ideal for users who want the highest level of control and security. By understanding the benefits and trade-offs of each wallet type, you can make an informed decision that best suits your requirements. Raptoreumcore stands out as the official wallet with continuous support and new features.